A catalogue of Cairo Genizah fragments at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Heb. d. 45

Physical Description

Ff. 71.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/1


Babylonian Talmud הוריות
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 1) ff. 5b to 6b;


(fol. 2) fol. 8 to 8b.

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/2


Fol. 3
Babylonian Talmud סנהדרין (fol. 3b, much obliterated) to ור̇ עקיבא (fol. 4, l. 3)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; 8vo, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/3


Jerusalem Talmud ברכות

See Talmudical Fragments, ed. by S. Schechter and S. Singer, pp. 27, 28 (Cambridge, 1896).

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 4) from בר אבא (fol. 4b, l. 19) to הכבוד (l. 16 from below);


(fol. 5) from רבותינו (fol. 6b, l. 25) to אם היה (l. 18 from below).

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; oblong, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/4


Babylonian Talmud סנהדרין
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 6) from סמוכו לן (fol. 14, l. 42)—the passage ת̇ ר̇ (l. 9 from below) to ת̇ ר̇ (fol. 14b, l. 16 from below) omitted—to ערכין (fol. 15, l. 3);


(fol. 7) from מיתיבי (fol. 16, l. 21 from below) to יועצים (l. 2 from below).

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 8vo, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/5


Babylonian Talmud ברכות

omissions on the margin.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 8) , from הראשונה דברי ר̇ אליעזר (fol. 3, l. 4) to הפתח (l. 16 from below);


(fol. 9) ibid., from או מצפרא (fol. 3b, l. 14 from below) to והאי דקא אמר (fol. 4, l. 10);

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 8vo, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/6


Fol. 10
Babylonian Talmud פסחין from אחד כסא (fol. 102b, l. 3) to ואכסא (fol. 103b, l. 8)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/7


Fol. 12
Babylonian Talmud כתובות from ניסתפחה (fol. 2b, l. 1) to ובועל (fol. 4, l. 14 from below)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/8


Fol. 18
Babylonian Talmud ברכות from אמר מר זוטרא (fol. 6b, l. 23) to כנגד כל העולם (l. 4 from below)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/9


Babylonian Talmud כתובות
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 20) , from בסעודה אחד בשבת (fol. 2, l.15 from below) to גט לאחד (fol. 2b, l. 21);


(fol. 21) ibid., from שאין מתכוין אסור (fol. 5b, l. 16) to אמר רבה (fol. 6b, l. 2).

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/10


Commentary on סנהדרין
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 22) commentary on סנהדרין, fol. 75a and 75b;


(fol. 23) commentary on סנהדרין, fol. 90, end of chap. x, and מכות, from beg. to fol. 2b.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/11


Fol. 24
Babylonian Talmud שבת from דהא חדא מיהנך (fol. 6b, line 8 from below) to ייי̇ מקדשכם (fol. 10b, l. 14)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/12


Babylonian Talmud שבת
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 32) ibid., from האש ועמוד האש (fol. 23b, l. 14 from below) to שנתחייב (fol. 24b, l. 4);


(fol. 33) ibid., from בעון נדרים בניו (fol. 32b, l. 4) to גלות באה לעולם (fol. 33, l. 18).

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/13


Fol. 34
Babylonian Talmud יבמות from איסור כולל לר̇ יוסי (fol. 33b, l. 11) to והיא (fol. 35b, l. 3)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; small 4to, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/14


Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא from בהו אמר ליה (fol. 73b, l. 24) to ריבית ואמר (fol. 75, l. 9 from below)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; small 4to, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/15


Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 40) from בדינר (fol. 102, last line but one) to לחבריה (fol. 103, l. 17);


(fol. 41) from אמרי נהרדעי (fol. 104b, l. 7 from below) to בשדפון (fol. 106, l. 2);


(fol. 43) from לאשה (fol. 108b, l. 19) to אספסתא (fol. 109, l. 27);


(fol. 44) from לעבור (fol. 112, l. 26) to the end of the chapter.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabbi char.; 4to, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/16


Fol. 55b
Babylonian Talmud ערכין from מה יתן (fol. 15b, l. 6) to לא הוה (fol. 16, l. 15)

with variations.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/17


Fol. 56
Babylonian Talmud מועד קטן from עצים (fol. 8, l. 1) to לאקולי (fol. 10b, l. 14)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/18


Fol. 62
Babylonian Talmud ראש השנה from בשיטת (fol. 30b, l. 1) to ותוקע (fol. 32, l. 4)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/19


Fol. 66b
הלכות גדולות

beg. at צרכי צבור (ed. Venice, fol. 45c) to מפי המתרגם (l. 4 from below).

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/20


Fol. 67
Daniel xi. 24 (מדינה) to xii. 1 (הגדול)

with vowel points and accents.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/21


Babylonian Talmud פסחים
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 68) from ומקריב (fol. 2b, l. 2 from below) to יהודה (fol. 3b, l. 9 from below);


(fol. 69) from דאילו התם (fol. 14b, l. 5) to טומאת (fol. 15b, l. 8 from below).

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. d. 45/22


Aboth de R. Nathan; Arabic translation of words and sentences in Genesis
Language(s): Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic
a. (fol. 70)
Aboth de R. Nathan נוסחא ב̇ vi

from כך נצא (ed. Schechter, p. 10) to vii, כלי בית המקדש (ed. Schechter, p. 10b);

b. (fol. 71)
Aboth de R. Nathan נוסחא ב̇ viii

beg. תחתיו וזו גנובה היא (ed. Schechter, p. 12b) to the end of the chapter, with variations from the edition;

c. (fol. 71)
Arabic translation of words and sentences in Genesis iv. 13 to xxiv. 26

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1892 (from the Genizah).

Additional Information

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. ii, by Adolf Neubauer and Arthur Ernest Cowley, Oxford 1906, No. 2674.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

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