A catalogue of Cairo Genizah fragments at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Heb. c. 27

Physical Description

Ff. 97.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/1


Fol. 1

Some diacritical points. Corrections and variants in the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew
a. (fol. 1)
Mishnah תענית ii. 10 (אמ̇ ר̇ מאיר) to iv. 5 (MS. 7, לא היה בו מע̇)
b. (fol. 2)
Mishnah יבמות ii. 10 (בנדר) to iv. 3 (MS. 2, שמאי ובית)

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/2


Fol. 3
Mishnah כלים iii. 4 (בטל שם) to v. 11 (ושל מתכת)

Scribbling on the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 2 coll., 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/3


Fol. 4
Commentary on Mishnah בכורים iv. 2 to 4;

specimen (iv. 4) דרכים שאינו שווה בהם לא לאנשים ולא לנשים אין חיבים על טומאתו על ביאת מקדש ואין שורפין על [טומא]תו את התרומה ואינו נערך לא כאיש ולא כאשה ....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/4


Fol. 5
Commentary on Mishnah יבמות i. 2 to ii. 2

specimen (ii. 2) עשה בה מאמר ומת כיון דמאמר ביבמה לא מקני ולא מיקנייא אלא בביאה דתניא יכול יהא כסף ושטר גומרין בה כדרך שביאה גומרת בה תל̇ לו̇ יבמה יבוא עליה ביאה גומרת בה ....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. squ. Rabb. char.; 2 coll. fol., vellum, injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/5


Fol. 7
Babylonian Talmud שבת fol. 14b, line 3 (דכת̇ ובא) to fol. 15, line 10, and fol. 15b, line 4 (לשריפה) to fol. 16, line 16
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; vellum, torn.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/6


Babylonian Talmud שבת
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 8) fol. 63, line 34 to fol. 64, line 31 (מטמא);


(fol. 9) fol. 69b, line 16 (מהלך) to fol. 71, line 20 (בזדון שבת).

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/7


Babylonian Talmud שבת

With notes in the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 10) fol. 108 line 15 (אי אמרת) to fol. 112, line 8 (דאשה);


(fol. 15) fol. 112b, line 28 (דין בר אינש) to fol. 113b, line 16 (אוכל).

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/8


Babylonian Talmud פסחים
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 16) fol. 31b, line 26 (לומ̇ בהנאה) to fol. 32b, line 40 (מיתה תאמר);


(fol. 17) fol. 40b, line 13 (האילפס) to fol. 41, line 4 (שמיע) and fol. 41b, line 23 (צלי אש תל̇ לו̇) to fol. 42, line 7 (דברי).

Physical Description

Span. squ. char.; in 2 coll., vellum (fragments only), injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/9


Fol. 18
Babylonian Talmud פסחים fol. 69b, line 9 (obliterated) to fol. 70b, line 19 (דאתא)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/10


Fol. 20
Babylonian Talmud יבמות fol. 28b, line 12 (איסור) to fol. 34b, line 23 (מתעברת)

Some vowel points. Corrections between the lines and in the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/11


Babylonian Talmud כתובות
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 23) fol. 43b, line 2 (אמ̇ רב ואמרי) to fol. 45b, line 28 (גוים האיי);


(fol. 24) fol. 53, line 35 (ואית לה) to the end of the chapter.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/12


Babylonian Talmud כתובות

With marginal notes.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 25) fol. 57b, line 19 (קאמשמע) to fol. 58b, line 29 (שלא);


(fol. 26) fol. 74, line 21 (מהו מכדי) to fol. 75, line 38 (אמ̇ ר̇).

Physical Description

Yemen squ. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/13


Fol. 27
Mishnah, end of עירובין followed by פסחים i. 1 to iv. 6
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/14


Fol. 28
הלכות גדולות (ה̇ כסוי הדם), ed. Hildesheimer, p. 568, line 7 from the beginning (אין לי) to p. 570, line 14 (חשוב)

Some corrections between the lines and on the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, cut, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/15


Fol. 29
A tracing of Babylonian Talmud חולין fol. 59, line 53 (רב חסדא) to fol. 70, line 18 (בני רומי)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/16


Fol. 31
Alfasi שבת from the beg. of the tractate to fol. 99b, line 16, of the Bomberg ed.
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; large 8vo, paper, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/17


Fol. 33
Halakhoth on שבת

specimen ועוד שתי ספינות שהיו קשורות זו בזו וכבש מונח מספינה לשפת הים או לשפת הנהר שעשאום גוים לעצמן מותר לישר̇ לעלות ולירד בהם בשבת אל ים (?) כך שנינו עשה כבש לירד בו יורד אחריו ישר̇ ....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/18


הלכות גדולות
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 34) גיטין, ed. Venice, fol. 80a, line 14 from below (מיניכו) to fol. 80c, line 7 (ישן ובית);


(fol. 35) קידושין, ibid. fol. 83a, line 8 (היא הא נתן) to fol. 83b, line 26 (ספיק ואיזה).

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/19


Rashi’s commentary on Babylonian Talmud גיטין
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 36) on ff. 82b to the beg. of 84a;


(fol. 37) on ff. 85b to 86b;


(fol. 38) on ff. 88a to 89a;


(fol. 39) on fol. 90a to the end of the tractate,


(fol. 39b) the commentary on the beg. of chap. vii, ff. 67b, 68a.

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; 2 coll., fol., vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/20


Fol. 40
Fragment of an Arabic commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא fol. 38

a section beg. ואלב̇ מא תפי אגרתה במונתה יגב עלי אלמודע ועלי שומר אבדה אן יקימא בה מדה מכצוצה תם יגוז אן יביעאה ויחפט̇ תמנה ופיה נצת אלמשנה כל דבר שעושה ואוכל יעשה ויאכל. וקאל אלתלמוד ....

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Yemen Rabb. char.; large 8vo, paper, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/21


Fol. 41
Commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא fol. 44

beg. מעיד עליה אבל גזל ראובן טלית משמע̇ ולא מכרה ... קא מערער בה לא לישהיד בה שמע̇ משום הכי תנא רישה מכר ודינא חד הוא בין מכר בין לא מכר.

At the end אנתקל לעאזר בן עטיא.

Fol. 42b blank.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/22


הלכות גדולות
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 43) עדות, ed. Hildesheimer, p. 472, line 22 (ומחוו) to p. 475, line 21 (ואין);


(fol. 44) מלקות, ed. Hild., p. 480, line 18 (דצריך) to the end, followed by שבועות to p. 484, line 8.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum, much injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/23


Fol. 45
Commentary on Babylonian Talmud כריתות fol. 12b


Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; vellum, torn.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/24


Fol. 46
Halakhoth on שבועות, with Arabic commentary

Commentary beg. פאלחאצל מן קול הדא אלרייס רצ̇י אללה ענה אן ר̇ חייה גמר מגלגול דעד אחד ומפיו וענד מא תחרר נט̇ם אלתלמוד ואיראדה אלפיתה גיר צחיח והכדא נסקה אמ̇ רב פפא ....

Reference is made (fol. 50b) to Jerusalem Talmud and Tosefta (פי אלתוספה).

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., paper, slightly stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/25


Fol. 52
Fragment of a Responsum, chiefly on matters contained in Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא and קידושין

On fol. 53 the sections are numbered א̇ to ח̇.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/26


Fol. 54
הלכות פסוקות on פסח, ed. Schlossberg, p. 12, line 1 (עפר) to p. 14, line 23 (ושמואל)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/27


Fol. 56
Fragment of an Aramaic text of the Testament of Levi

beg. שלמא וכל חמדת בכורי ארעא כולה למאכל ולמלכות חרבא פגשא וקרבא ונחשירותא ועמלא ונצפתא וקטלא וכפנא זמנין תאכול וזמנין תכפן וזמנין תעמול וזמנין תנוח וזמנין תדמוך וזמנין תנוד שנת עינא ....

See J. Q. R. xii, p. 651 sqq. for another leaf apparently of the same MS.

Language(s): Aramaic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 2 coll., 4to, vellum, injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/28


Fol. 57
מכילתא, ed. Friedmann, p. 17, line 12 (אין מילת) to p. 18b, line 16 (אף בכור).
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. squ. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/29


Fol. 58
Arabic translation of Job xxviii. 27 to xxxi. 4.

With some (Hebrew) vowel points.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/30


Fol. 60
Fragment of a Midrash on Canticles iii. 11 (?), and other passages.

A section (on vii. 2) beg. מה חמוקי ירכיך בסתר אף כל דבר שאדם עושה יעשנו בסתר מורה בסתר צדקה בסתר עיניה עיני אשתו וע̇ בניו וע̇ ב̇ ביתו בסתר ואם עושה כן על אחת כמה וכמה יהא חביב לפני אביו שבשמים ....

At the end סליק ס[דר] .. ליה רבה לקרות ולהגות בו אחינו וצאצאינו.. חרות נצח סלה ועד אמן .. הללויה.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/31


Fol. 61
Midrashic commentary on Canticles viii. 5 and 6

ending כי עזה כמות אהבה מלך בשר ודם יש לו אוהב אם עָרֵב עליו שמו אין עריבין עליו דבריו אם עריבין עליו דבריו אין עריבין עליו נימוסיו אם עריבין עליו נימוסיו אין עריבין.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; large 8vo, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/32


Fol. 62
Arabic translation of Ecclesiastes xii. 1 to the end of the book.

With some vowel points. At the end תמת אלתרגמה. ואלחמד ללה. ברוך יי אלהי יש̇.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/33


Fol. 63
מדרש איכה רבתי, part of the introduction

the first legible section begins ר̇ חנינא בר פפא as in the Frankfurt ed. (1705) fol. 52c, line 6, ends דברי תורה דברי, ibid. fol. 54b, line 19, with many variations from the edition.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Yemen squ. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/34


Fol. 65
Headed קצת מלשון תשובת מהרר' בצלאל אשכנזי ...

beg. וזאת שומה על פי של זה ... אותו על עסק התלמוד מספרים עליו ....

Fol. 66a is blank except for two notes:

a. beg. זה לשון מוה''הר בצלאל אשכנזי זל''הה בספר תשובותיו בשאלה ט''ו ת''ל לא יחרף לבבי מימ' כי עסק בגמרא הקנני מנעורי ...;

b. ... תן ליד הח̇ הנעלה כהר' יעקב נאבארה כהן במצרים יֿעֿאֿ ולזולתו נֿחֿשֿ.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Ital. curs. char.; fol., paper, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/35


Fol. 67
Arabic translation of Exodus xvi. 2 to xviii. 25

incomplete, ending ויבחר. ואכתאר מוסי אונאסי דו חייל בלחיגג ולמעריפה מן כול יסראיל וצנע איאהום.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; 2 coll., 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/36


Fol. 69
Commentary on Exodus xiii. 11 to 21

beg. ... אמ̇ להם המקום אתם כבדתם את ידידי אף אני אקרא הארץ על שמכם ואתן לכם ארץ יפה כארצכם ואי זה זה אפריקי. כאשר נשבע לך והיכן נשבע לך והבאתי אתכם אל הארץ אשר גו̇ ולאבתיך והיכן נשבע לאבתיך באברהם ....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/37


Fol. 71
Fragment of the פרקי דרבי אליעזר

chapter v, beg. וכל המעיינות עולים מן התהומות להשקות את כל הבריות, to chapter, viii, incomplete, end obliterated; followed by a blank space. The chapters (הלכתא) are divided into פרקים. With variations from the edition.

Fol. 72b blank.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; 3 coll., 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/38


Fol. 73
Fragment of a theological work, in Arabic

a section beg. בשם ... אלגז אלג̇ מן אלי̇ב̇ אלגזו אלמעטיה כמאל חגאת אלמקרא אל.. אלתעריף וקואנין הדא אלגזו וקואעדה ליס אנמא תסתעמל פי לגה אלעבראניה פקט בל פי גמיע אללגאת אלתי ערפנאהא.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; small 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/39


Fol. 74
הלכות גדולות, the last words of עריות followed by הילכות יבום וחליצה

as in ed. Hildesheimer, p. 281 to p. 282, line 29 (כשרה ואחת). The leaf is marked יח.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/40


Fol. 75
Fragment of Responsa on שחיטה and נדה

the following beginnings are legible: ואלה שמות. המקבילת בן להניק ..., and fol. 76b אשה כי תזריע. שאילתא האשה שראתה דם ...; fol. 75 is marked ב̇.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/41


Fol. 77
Fragment of Responsa, chiefly on the meanings of words in Hebrew and Arabic

the only legible beg. is (fol. 78, half-leaf), ששאלתם ראובן דעבד שותפותא עם שמע̇.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/42


Fol. 79
Fragment of Responsa on the feast-days

the only legible beg. is (fol. 80b), וששאלתם בכל א..רי דחולו שלמועד גברא ... ממונא קנסינן ....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/43


Liturgical pieces
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 81) רשות beg. יענני בצר אלהי צדקי, acr. יצחק;


(ibid.) headed ולה איצא, beg. מענה הבונה מדי, acr. מושׂי;


(ibid.) headed עושה שלום, beg. יגמול לאין חסד חסדים, acr. יצחק;


(ibid.) headed אחר, beg. יושב עלי כסא נשא, acr. יצחק;


(ibid.) headed אחר, beg. יקצר הוד סרח, acr. יצחק;


(ibid.) beg. יענו שלומים וטוב נעימים, acr. יצחק גיאת;


(ibid.) headed אליהו הנביא, beg. יה חזון נביאך מהרה, double acr. יצחק;


(fol. 81b) headed פז̇ לחן עמד מלך לפסח, beg. חלד שחר ... יסרתה מאז שתות, acr. יצחק ג̇;


(ibid.) headed ולה קומי אורי, beg. ימי רע קצרו צרה, acr. יצחק שלו[ם ?].

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; a strip of paper, slightly injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/44


Fol. 82
Letter in Arabic from מוסי בן אסחק בן חסדא to אבו אלפרג יוסף בן יעקב בן ... in Egypt.
Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; oblong 16mo, vellum, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/45


Fol. 83
Fragment of an astrological work in Arabic

fol. 83b, beg. אדא כאן אלקמר פי אטאליע פאין גיסיד דך אלאס אביד אברס. אדא כן בהרם פי אטאליע פאין דליך אלאס קד דורב באסייף או בארד וביה פיגורח באיין. אדא כן עטאריד פי אטאליע פאין דליך אלאס ביה עלמת סאודה באודניה שמה או נחו דיליך.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/46


Fol. 85
The aramaised text of the הלכות פסוקות on שבת

ed. Schlossberg, p. 5, line 21 to p. 6, line 3, with Arabic paraphrase beg. ולא יצפא יום אלסבת פי מא עלקת מן יום אלגמועה בל יצפא יום אלעיד פי מא עלקת מן יום אלגמועה.

Language(s): Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, stained and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/47


Fol. 86
Index of first lines of a divan or collection of poems, mostly by Gabirol and Judah hal-levi

as in No. 1970, i, 81 sqq., beg. אשר שמך סגולה. See Gedenkbuch … Kaufmann, p. 279 sqq.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; oblong 8vo, vellum, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/48


Fol. 87

relating to the division of profits between three partners אברהם שיראין, משה מיוחס, אברהם צדיק in business transacted with אברהם ריוח נרו̇ בכר̇ אליהו ריוח נ̇ע̇. Dated 5500 A.M. (= 1740 A.D.) in Egypt.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; large 8vo, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/49


Fragment of the Arukh
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 88) end of בלע to במות;


(fol. 89) בעל נפש, beg. missing to בצית incomplete.

Physical Description

Span. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 27/50


Fol. 90
Fragments of the Responsa of Israel Brünn

There are notes in the margin referring to a printed copy.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 90) as in ed. Stettin, 1860, fol. 15, line 7 from below, to fol. 16b, line 11;


(fol. 91) ibid. fol. 21b, line 15 to fol. 22, line 7 from below;


(fol. 92) ibid. fol. 89, beg. with the Responsum omitted from the edition, to fol. 94, line 28, including No. 224 which is omitted in the edition.

Physical Description

Ital. Rabb. char.; large 8vo, paper, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah).

Additional Information

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. ii, by Adolf Neubauer and Arthur Ernest Cowley, Oxford 1906, No. 2835.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

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