MS. Heb. f. 54
Fol. 1a blank;
ff. 2-7 blank on the verso.
The leaves are numbered מח (fol. 8) to קכג (fol. 63) with some numbers missing.
Lacunae after ff. 50, 55, 63.
Many leaves injured, especially ff. 60-64.
Owner or copyist (?) אברהם ... (fol. 20).
a rhyming calendar (in a different hand from the rest of the volume), beg. א̇י̇ב̇ ת̇ש̇צ̇ג̇ שאר[ית], א̇ב̇, and acr. אני יוסף בן שם טוב בן ישועה חזק.
סדר החופה, beg. missing, beg. as in the ed. (Amsterdam, 1769), p. 57b, but fuller, followed by rules,
and 1 (fol. 21b) אב לחכים משה, א̇ב̇;
2 = No. 2842, I. e 2;
3 (fol. 24) נודה לאל על מפעליו, acr. חריזי, Zunz, p. 476;
4 (fol. 25) אשבח שם נורא, א̇ב̇, acr. חזק, followed by biblical passages;
5 (fol. 33) בשרנו יחיש תביא, acr. אפרים בן צלח ס̇ט̇;
6 (fol. 33 bis) חדש ששוני אל נא, א̇ב̇, Zunz, p. 490.
סדר הבדלה, as in the edition.
סדר מילה, as in the edition, incomplete.
Headed בקשה:
1, 2 = 31, 32 of No. 2842, H. a;
3, 4 = 37, 153 of No. 1189.
סדר שמחת תורה, as in the edition, omitting אשר בגלל (ed. p. 2) and אב לחכים (ed. p. 5) for which a blank space is left; ending as on p. 10b of the edition.
a fragment, much injured, belonging to סדר החופה, as on pp. 49b and 50a of the edition.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Bought from Wertheimer, 1896 (from the Genizah).
Record Sources
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