A catalogue of Cairo Genizah fragments at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Georg. c. 1 (P)


Pp. 1-4
Jerusalem Talmud, בבא קמא; Palimpsest of Jeremiah chap. viii
Language(s): Hebrew, Georgian
Jerusalem Talmud, בבא קמא

p. 1, beg. ליפול וירד (ed. Krotoschin, fol. 5b, chap. vi, l. 33) to גדיש ואל יאמר שדה (ed. fol. 5c, l. 16);

p. 2, from שוגג לא ישלם כלום (ed. fol. 6b, chap. viii, l. 13) to ושלחה ידה (ed. ibid., l. 43);

p. 3, cont. to end of Hal. ix; the MS. cont. with אמר הא אמורה וכן את מוצא בריעי איוב וג̇;

p. 4, from חמור בר חמור (ed. fol. 5a, l. 4 from end of Hal. v) to שהוא ראויה (fol. 5b, l. 16 from below),

with variations from the edition: see Dr. Lewy in Jahresbericht des jüdisch-theologischen Seminars, Fränckel'scher Stiftung, p. 20, note 1 (Breslau, 1895).

ed., with facsimiles, by P. Kokovtsov in the Zap. Vost. Otd. Imp. Russk. Arch. Obshch. vol. xi. pp. 195 sqq. (St. Petersburg, 1898).

Palimpsest of Jeremiah chap. viii

in Georgian, (9th century, or perhaps earlier, according to Mr. F. C. Conybeare).

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Origin: 9th century

Provenance and Acquisition

From the Genizah (1894?).

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. ii, by Adolf Neubauer and Arthur Ernest Cowley, Oxford 1906, No. 2672.


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Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

Thumbnail of 2bThumbnail of 1aThumbnail of 1bThumbnail of 2a